Hi Everyone I’m Connor, 28, 6 Foot 5” Future Heavyweight Bodybuilder.
This is the beginning of my Journey to the Stage in 2021.
Insta @nattygiant
Started with Team MBM October 2018; Spent the last 14 Weeks in a Reasonable Deficit to Lose Body Fat but form good habits, consistency and training. Priming for TODAY the official first day of the Gaining Phase. 2 Years Offseason with the intent to gain some serious size to fill out my frame And Compete 2021.
Initial Starting Point October Images at 215.5lbs to Off-season Starting Point January at196.5lbs shown in these comparisons;

Let the Gains Commence!
Been absent a while!
Training has been progressing well in this surplus so far.
Training day 320P 600C 50F
Non T Day Untracked
Upper, lower, Topup session and cardio, upper, lower.
Weight is sitting at 206/207 lbs. Around 10 weeks in maybe a little too quick.
Deload very much needed but need to hold off this week and next to line up deload with a minibreak.
Atm all good I think mate. Today was a short eating window 12pm-8pm so was a little too stuffed my mistake. But gotta get the fo
Growing growing away :) How's the appetite holding up now buddy?
TD-300P 525C 60F
NTD-300P 200P 140F
Body weight hovering around 198-199 lbs now.
Training Day Meals- rotating food sources for enjoyment as long as digestion allows.
Pre 30g Isolate very little water
Intra- 50G HBCD, 20G PeptoPro, 15G EAA, 2G Taurine, 5g Creatine, Salt
PWO- 45G Isolate, 100G Cereal, 3 Crumpets, 20G Jam
Meal 4- 100G Pasta, 200G 5% Beef Mince, 1/4 Jar of Bolognese
Meal 5- Wrap, Salad, 170G Chicken
Meal 6- 100G Oats, 40G Isolate, 25g Choc, 10g Sprinkles, 4 Pink Salt Grinds
Meal 7-225 Skyr Yoghurt, 100g Frozen Blueberries, 100g Frozen Cherries, 15g Biotech Cinammon Iso, 75g Granola
Sorry i've been really quiet. Want to stay on top of my updates on here!
Food is up;
TD-300P 550C 50F
NTD-300P 200P 140F
Body weight hovering around 199lbs now.
Will upload physique images tomorrow post check in. May post a list of full day of rest day eating too.
Progressions have been fairly consistent over last 4 weeks. Taking time to ramp up intensity, big focus on recovering well between sessions.
Recovery for me; Supplementation of CURCUMIN, Sleep Supps and calming down before post work out meal ASHWAGHANDA and MAG BI-GLYS. Average now 7 hours of sleep, trying to get more and improve quality!
Okay so after first week of 425C 300P 50F-TD 200C 300P 100F-NTD Weighted ended up at same as lowest weigh in! Now bumped up carbs another 25C on training days and one day in new low in haha. 195.5lbs.
Heres some late sunday night image in a good spot to grow from here for sure.
6"5!!! I thought i was tall!!!
First Lower session 2 new split this morning;
SL Lying Ham Curls 30x10 25x15
BB Squat 130x6 120x9 107.5x12
DB RDL 50x9/9 45x12/12
High Wide Leg Press 220x9/9 180x15/15
Hip Thrusts 120x8 100x12- these hurt hip flexors bad today with a pad too
Walking Lunges:2minutes constant 20kg DBs for 33 steps
DB Goblet Squat 30x15/15
Leg Ext 35x10-3-2/11-3-1
Seated Calf Raises 60x10/10/10
Epic session shyed away from true failure as I’ve made that mistake before and it will not help me progress over multiple weeks until I really lock in all movements.
Session 2 Post Deload;
Upper body- things moving really well and I’m hoping things will start flying
Just started training early mornings 6am-8am, split is
Cardio+Abs and Arms top up
Will start posting workout here too!
Lesssss get ittttttt
Fantastic to see you logging on here mate!! This will be a fantastic year of growth for you.
Let's get after it.