Hi guys,
My name is Frankie, I’m 19 years old and I’m 5 weeks out from my first competition I’m doing the junior bikini at the PCA first timers.
I’ve wanted to post on the forum for a while having been a member since the beginning!
A little bit about myself. My journey into bodybuilding wasn’t plane sailing I was an international athlete with 4 wales vests by the age of 15, I also played football for stoke city, so I trained but more for performance with weights. Then in the summer after my GCSE’s I developed anorexia, this illness plagued me for a year, I have every mental health diagnoses under the sun. So how does bodybuilding come in...
My insta is frankies_feed and it was once dedicated to anorexia recovery where I posted what I ate every day. Like most I spent a lot of time on explore and I found myself looking at fitness accounts where I came across AJs I loved the passion he had and how you could control every variable to be the best you.
I reached out to a coach and spent a year trying to gain muscle from my tiny skinny self with the aim of stepping on stage. I started my prep 20ish weeks ago and have recently moved to a mentorship program with Joe Jeffery with the ambition to move into online coaching and to help people like myself.
Prep wise my weight has trickled down an am now sitting at 49.7kg. I follow a upper lower split 4 times a week prioritising recovery and nervous system health.
Calories are TD 330C 100P 70F
NTD 100C 100P 70F no trace macros
Cardio 2 x 30mins
My calories look high but I was up to 600c at one stage so I’m still feeling it.
I wanted to document my prep to get opinions and really just to be able to look back on now I’m getting to the dog end.
Here are my latest check in pictures thanks for following!

Legs today and man was I beat up!
Should have been a rest but I’m currently in my last year of sixth form so to using a day off college to get a session in.
Session was
Hip extension
Rack pulls
blood flow restriction lying leg curl
Hack squat
Blood flow restriction leg extensions
Toe press
Check in tomorrow expecting a food drop as we look to be ready early with the show only 5 weeks again
Fasted 45 minute walk using yohimbine is daily also forgot in my last post