Hey guys, my name is Trystan Gaboreau. I am 20 Years old from South Africa, been training since i was 14 on and off and training more seriously since start of 2018. I did my first 2 Mens Physique shows last year in the IFBB Fed down here in South Africa, unfortunetely we do not have any Natural Feds down here. I recently just ended a 19 week fat loss phase in prep for another show now in August which i decided to pull the plug on, knowing from the get go i should not of done another show this year i was eager to get leaner then last year, only having a 5 month off - season, ye i know silly me. Non the less learnt my mistake and im currently 12 days post dieting phase, busy starting of my Off-season properly this time round. I have my eyes set on jumping back on stage 2022, willing to play the long game now as i know what it takes now to add on some new tissue.
So i guess ill give you guys an update on where im at currently after this failed fat loss phase.
Ill give you guys my lowest Macros on Prep and cardio and my current set up
Prep Lowest Macros: 160P/ 50-100C/ 35F ( Terrible i know right )
Prep Cardio : 45min ORB , 30min walk treadmill 6 x week ( this was only the last 3-2 weeks)
Current Macros: 180P/250C/45F TD 180P/150C/55F NTD
Current Cardio: 30-40min walk Treadmill 5 x week / 6-8k Steps 6 x week
Prep lowest weight: 57.0kg
Current Weight : 58.2-58.8kg ( 12 days post )
Looking to hold this weight for another week or so see how this are looking and then push up slowly from there. Training is getting better now, feeling alot more energetic, sleep could still be better though. The highest weight i got to in my last Off-season was 70kg, but i personally hated the way it looked so the goal is to make that weight look much better then before and stronger.
This is how im currently looking as of this past Sunday 11/08/2019
Please let me know what you guys think or any advice is also welcomed thanks guys.

Hey there guys, not sure how many people will be actually following this lol, but i kinda enjoy this somewhat keeping my self accountable and almost like a bit of pressure for myself to make sure i am progressing and getting better.
Anyway i hope some people can maybe find this some what helpful and please im also still very much new to this game, id love to hear some your your guys thoughts and feed back as to what i am doing and my approach.
So any way, Updates ...currently 17 Days post Fat loss phase so almost 3 weeks now.
My weight seemed pretty steady the whole of last week and still feeling some what diet fatigued even thought cals are up significantly , from 1250 to now over 2000. So whole of last week macros were: 180P/240-250C/45F this week i have pumped it up since Monday to 180P/280C/45F small increase but im oka with taking things a bit slower. weight has still been hovering around 58.2-58.7kg this week though so im not sure i might bump it up again during this week or wait it out until week ends.
Other then that training starting to get better, sleep is still meh but better. Still get a bit of draggy feet every now and then, hunger is not to bad but still pretty food focused. Been sticking to a pretty much meal plan based approach with my food to find things that are sitting well with my stomach in regards to digestion. Focusing alot on pre and post workout carbs now. Heres some shots i took on sunday, was pretty drained on that day so posing was really off and soft, anyway thanks guys please let me know what you think thanks have a good one.

Update !
Alright so havnt been as active on here as i would of liked to just been very busy.
Things are going alright i would say, starting to feel more human again in regards to energy levels and hunger.
Physique : Im still pretty happy with the way im looking atm, 1 Month now post show if you wanna call it that :P Roughly sitting 2-2.5kg above lowest weight. Legs are my biggest focus at the moment, had alot of knee issues in the past and only of recent have i been able to actually train them harder !
Nutrition : Food focus has gotten less but its still there, like im still thinking about when my next meal is how i could possibly make it nicer xD You guys know the feels, Macros are in a good place for me atm though, food has never been this high at this bodyweight. Keeping my food sources pretty much the same all week, still trying to find whats a better pre workout meal set up for me, cause i seem to sometimes get tired if i have to much carbs pre-workout, depending on the carb source.
Training: Getting better, currently doing a 5 Day split which is Lower,Upper,Rest,Lower,Push,Pull. Really enjoying this set up, first time in over a year im able to train legs twice a week again which is lovely ! Volume is getting higher now, was feeling pretty fatigued last week so need to see how im feeling this week and go from there weather i will deload or not soon, its been about 7 weeks since last deload. My main focus this off-season is to grow my delts, upper chest and legs. Yes ofc i want the rest of my body parts to get better and not saying the rest of my body is good enough, but i just feel those body parts need to come up more then others first .
So ye without making this too long things are getting better by the week, feeling alot better overall. i will be sure to get some physique update shots this week.
Current Macros: 180P/300C/45-50F
Cardio : 30min Treadmill Brisk Walk 5xweek / 1x30 ORB on rest day
Steps: Not tracked just walk my 5-6 days a week ( + - 6-8k steps )
Body weight : 59.0kg
Approaching 6 weeks into Off-season now
Things are going well, this week was a deload for me, it has brought down fatigue a lot ! Feeling really energized and ready to train hard on Monday, super excited. Weight is hovering around 59.5 kg and its always been a mental challenge for me seen the body fat come back on but i know that this is what i need right now. Im tired of been small, period. Im willing to do whatever it takes to grow, if that means i need to get a bit uncomfortable in my skin im fine with that.
Macros: 180P/300C/ 45-50F All week
Cardio: 35min Orb Rest days
Steps: 8-10k 6-7 Days week
Current split: Lower, Upper, Rest, Lower, Push, Pull
Training has been going well, good pumps, not to many niggles, motivation to train is getting better each week. Energy is up! I will be sure to get some pics up very soon and try remember to update this log! Hope you are all having a sick day.