Hello there, my name is Alexander Nelson. I have enjoyed reading others logs on here and am excited to share my journey with some like minded people! I am 19 years old and live in the state of Minnesota, USA. I have been lifting for a little over 3 years, 2 years competently and consistently.
I competed for the first time at 2 shows this past October. I took 1st in my classes at the first show and 3rd in the overall novice at the second. I was coached through my prep and now the off-season by Noah Erickson.
I am 6' 4" and around 195- 196 lbs. Since competing in my shows, I have been in a massing phase and am up approx. 15-16 lbs since my show day.
Training - I am running a PPL split, my preferred split for frequency. I am in the 3rd Mesocycle of my program, currently. I will update the log with exercises and more training information further along.
Nutrition - Current macros are : Pro. 220, Cho. 450 and Fats at 65. The lowest my macros got during prep were Pro. 220, Cho. 200 and Fats 50. Steps were also at 20k during that time. Meals and nutrition will also be updated with the log.
I will include some pictures from my show, as well as my most recent progress pictures from this mass. Excited to share my progress!

Slowly and steadily working away, chest has always been one of my least favorite muscles to train, but working on improving!
Last week of this Meso and then
deloading next week, which wi be greatly appreciated. But until that time, we push on!