Yeah Buddy! Hey I'm Krissi, 27 years young from Berlin. If you thought the english of Pascal is bad well.. here I am =D I want to compete in natural Bodybuilding and do my first Season around 2019/2020. I did Crossfit, Weightlifting and Powerlifting in the Past but the thing that thrilled me up the most was always the Pump so I got stocked with that. My Coach is Pascal from Revive Stronger and I am really excited to share my path with you guys cause thats a type of community that is hard to find in the real world and I am SUPER GRATEFUL to be a part!
Offseason but currently 10 days in a Mini Cut after 4 mesos of gaining! I actually really love the structure of a deficit and will take a lot of this into my next gaining phases.
Split: Upper/Lower/off/Push/Pull/Legs/off
Macros: 2200 kcal 185ish Protein 245ish Carbs 50ish Fat
Thats it for now. Cheers guys and always LIGHTWEIGHTBEBBEEEEE
p.s. I am oldshool AF =D
I'd love to see more insight into your journey. Keep crushing it ! <3
whatsup everyone! just wanted to briefly give you guys an update. I just finished a quick minicut which went really well as usual but I want to stay away from dieting now as long as possible. I personally make the best gym progress when I am definetly not looking my best ;) but thats fine and when the time comes I will get in shape, but building muscle is the hard part so lets focus on that!
I will change up my split to PULL/PUSH/LEGS/DELTSnARMS/ REST and repeat so like an semi bro split because a) its fun and b) I really need the rest between my leg sessions.
The main principle of the training will be MAX Intensity every session. This will include some elements like Topsets and Beating the logbook such as going for a nasty pump but always with max intensity and perfect execution. I am sick of overthinking my training and I will just leave nothing on the floor which lets me live in peace and clears my mind ;)
Also I will put my head down for a while, get a bit off of instagram and invest some solid time till I can present some results and have improved as a bodybuilder. I love to share my path but I feel like now I need to spend some time in silence and just do the work. But I will stay active here so I really appreciate the handfull of peepz that still here in the forum <3
wow didn't expect this lol:p but yeah I agree, at one point you need to make your own experiences. and this imo is the fun part! experimenting with yourself (wisely, not program hopping, doing dumb shit, etc.; but I believe you know the fundamentals and have done them long enough to be able to seperate "stupid" stuff from the more logical stuff that might work) is something that I look forward to so much too. but I don't feel ready yet 🙂 keep us updated!
Jo guys just a quick update! Due to several reasons I am now coaching myself. Yeah it's a bit scary at first but I believe you have to make your own experiences at some point and I just have to go some new ways. I quite had the feeling of leaving progressions on the table and just followed principles that make sense in theory but in practice it is a whole other story.
So right now I am in a Mini Cut which I want to keep as short as possible. I dont weigh in I just stick to an quite aggressive deficit and I train fucking hard with reduced volume and thats it. I will stop till I am quite happy with my look in the mirror and get back to gaining ASAP!
So more then ever I am really thankful for the member site and the content from AJ =) cheers !
YO YO YO! Thx I will keep it updated more frequently =)
ATM things are going really well! Like I cant point out enough how much your environment breeds succes and progress! Moving into a more quiet city allows me to relax and focus way better and my routine is just on point. In addition to that I am now training at probably one of the best gyms in germany, like not kidding ALL oldshool gym 80 machines and a real Hardcore Vibe! the difference to a regular gym is just unbelieveble.
Training wise we take a slightly different approach. still mrv concept but I start a bit higher in terms of volume and only make very tiny additions week to week. Basicly I make shure to make every session count without "shitting the bed" as big steve would say LOL
2 weeks of massing left and then i enter a primer/minicut followed by massing again =)
One thing I am thinking about is doing a photoshoot at the end of the year. The goal to compete is 2020 so why not getting some little prep experience with a photshoot and then countinue to mass through 2019. Only concern is that its maybe Improvementtime wasted but at the other hand it would be a chance to try things out and learn. would love to hear your thoughts guys. CHEERS
Yo Krissi! -
- Just caught up on your thread - which is an EPIC thread btw!
How's things going? Any further thoughts on competing in 20....?!
ah okay haha:p yep I'm gonna try to be more active again 😁
Yeah I was following that approach but always ignoring the RPE/RIR and going near or to failure very often.. and now I learned that this is not sustainable for me. So I will keep it more under control now =) good to hear from you again celine ;)
wait now I am a little confused..:P so until now you never followed that training approach?
but I totally agree, doing what is best for your body will always result in better progress than doing what you like to do most!
Just focus on the big picture stuff mate! Solid training over years will get you way bigger than going all out for 3 months and then having to back off.. I know for myself training hard whilst training smart is not easy at all, but it will add up... all those pennies in the bank ;)
Have a great one buddy !
Hey everyone!! It's been a while I know but the past weeks were very fucking busy and taxing but right now I am on Holiday and just find some time to give a little update!
On my last meso shit really hit the fan!! I was training as hard as possible while having loads of in my job, moving places between berlin and my new home Potsdam AND dealing with severe tooth pain which really destroyed my sleep and it got to the point where I had to take some serious painkillers to just somehow function. And to be honest it was too much to handle but I know where my boundries are and I will take my lessons from that!
but enough moaning ;)
I am now finally comfy at our new home together with my girlfriend and I have a new gym which is just AMAZING!! like I now have acces to some superb kit like a Pit shark or a Vertikal Legpress and some dope Push n Pull Machines <3
trainingwise I am back to a bit more conservative approach and following the Dr. Mike MRV protocoll (talked with pascal about it also) I mean I really wish I could train on max Intensitys more often and really focus on beating the logbook because I love hard training!!!! but my body doesnt tolerate it... Had a really painfull backsnap during squatting two weeks ago which really woke me up to be more mindful and to accept that training and progressing through volume may just suits better for me... Like I am a young bodybuilder but I am not a young athlete. I have 18 years of soccer and 3 years of crossfit under my belt and I definetly feel that in that time there has been some damage done to my body so I just have to accept it and be very mindful when to go balls to the wall and really focus on RECOVERY!!!!
Really happy at my new place and with live in generell. I call it my little own Kuwait Lifestyle^^LOL
Jo guyz hope y'all good =)
Just entering my 2nd Gaining Meso and I am really really pumped and excited every time Im entering a new training block. We keep most things the same Just introduced a Machine Bench and some Shrugs because I want to give my traps the love they had from all the weightlifting back in the days.
One Change is that I wont do any cardio and really cap my steps at 8-10K per day. I really want to maximize Recovery and put everything into my training!
Nutrition wise We upped the Protein so macros are 240p/440ish Carbs/ 65ishFat. Really curios how this plays out. If my rate of gain is to slow I will leave the option to bring Carbs up the week before deloading and just take every penny i can get out of it!
one last note. This time I really only do small increases in intensity and focus way more on contractions even on things like squat and deadlift. I really think the impact of that is very much underrated and I will only focus on one rep at a time and mak em HIGH QUALITY. Hope I can give you guys some update pics at the end of it where I look like I somhow lift ^^ lol <3
Yeah thats my conclusion as well.. I mean if I step on stage in 2020 I still have at least 10 years + of competing in front of me so really focusing on the long run and make this years now count as much as possible thx mate ;)
I think it would be really mature to make the most out of these earlier stages of your career to make them as productive as possible. Patience, consistency and dedication mate !
Today I just want to chat a little what was going on the past weeks. Reason for me being a bit quite was that Things got a lttle tough the past weeks in terms of stress. I am plamimg to move in with my Girlfriend and I will leave Berlin and you all know the stuff that revolves around moving #painintheass plus I had some really busy days at work for the last weeks and that meant getting up super early and just get shit done. My sequence of importance is 1. Family/Relationship 2. Work 3. Bodybuilding and there has to happen some serious shit that i let go on these things and I really was accountable for that past weeks. Just things like social media and stuff gets behind wich is ok but I am passionate about sharing my experiences =)
So just to give a short inside first Meso of Massing is done and was VERY productive (will touch onit later) and I am now going into a week of deload and have a consultation for the next meso with the Big Pascal Flor tomorrow. Will give u an update on that for shure!
On thing I would like to share is that I had some kind of a battle in my head past weeks if I should compete earlier than 2020. I often get this urge and feel like I should get my feet wet etc. but at the end I always feel like No you need the time and patience will result in something great. I mean a first Season will always be a first season and you can't expect much but today I feel like I will thank myself later that I really took the time to put in the work =) what you guys think and did you had similar struggles with when you should compete or not??
good to hear that your Mini Cut went so well! welcome to the gaining crew 💪
imo it is okay to cut rom IF it is for the right reasons and IF you stay consistent with that rom while progressing volume on the particular exercise.
regarding your question: personally, I don't like doing anything differently on weekends. I much more prefer doing the same things/ having the same routine that I also have on my weekdays. But I guess that is just personal preference and I know this is what works for me.
I am also someone who is really bad at having huge macro ranges. I work way better on strict and small ranges, it gives me a feeling of control, which I love to have.
Mornin guys!!!
Today I just give you an update how training is going. Its wicked! bye.... LOL^^
Now for real. Split is still UPPER/LOWER/PUSH/PULL/LEGS but I changed My first day to Monday so I have some room for error on the weekends and if needed I get my sessions in during the week. I often find that my Routine gets thrown off on the weekends so this will be no big deal anymore.
No really big changes only that we cutted the Barbell Bench and I will stick to DB and OHP as my main pushmovements. In addition to that I decreased (you hear me right yeah) the ROM on my Pushmovements. Because of my long arms I was really not doing my shoulders any favor and I have way better contractions now. So this is a real intresting topic IMO mybe something worth a video AJ??
Intenitys will be not super high in this meso because we increased volume and I will focus more on contractions and timeless form. Need to get this Number chasing mindset out of my head =)
Hope you have a good week and as Niclas just said it... Common guys put some more life to the MBM forum and not just count on AJ to keep the ball rollin!
Hey guys! Wanted to quick check in with ya!
Holidays are over and I had a real good time. Escaping from Berlin is always so chill and relaxing and I really feel that I don't really like this noisy busy city at all, I am a true village kid ;)
One thing I want to be open about is that I really struggle with a loose structure in my diet. Pascal gave me a wide Macro range for the week of vacation ( basicly protein and calories with a wide range) wich makes sense. But reality is that it takes more willpower of me to NOT care so much than to be on the dot. So I had an evening where I over ate ( to me a binge is like 4k calories cause I have the appitite of a lil girl) and I had the feeling to counter with cardio on sunday just to be at point zero if you can call it that. So I know that I just go with being more rigid and it just what suits me best. But now we enter a gaining phase and with that goal in mind I will be able to get the job done and the food in ;)
I start with 3100 kcal (180p/450c/70f +- 5-10g) and will cruise on that for a week or two and then "autoregulate" a bit on the weekends if neccesary. On workdays I really struggle to get the food in just for logistic reasons so I leave the option to push calories a bit on weekends.
What you guys think about such an approach to gaining? Hope you have a great week and next time I'll cover training ;) CHEERS
excited to follow the massing phase, have a fun holiday !
This sounds so awesome krissi ! I can smell a productive gaining phase for you ;) enjoy your time on vacation ! :)