Some of you may have heard of me or seen me on youtube, most probably havent got a clue! But I'm George, I'm currently 20 years old and I'm a university student studying personal training and business down in Southampton.
Currently been training for 3 years and currently 15 weeks into my first proper off-season looking to compete within 2019. Started at 147lbs and current 155lbs from this morning (5ft6).
Training Split: Push/Legs/Pull
Macros: Kcals 3,600 P: 210 C: 550 F: 55 (Training Day)
P: 200 C: 300 F: 75 (Rest Days)
Take a look at my instagram and Youtube, I promise you'll learn something new;)
Insta: georgeosborne12
Youtube: George Osborne

Feel free to ask away!
Hey my man.
Great reverse engineering of the current weight gain.
THIS is my feedback - I don't think it's directly relative to the high carb meal pre-bed, the WEIGHT of that food could be impacting the number shown on the scale due to food volume but not due to the timing of the food or anything like that.
The SLEEP and the DOMS are the most likely players here dude, poor sleep + DOMS = huge systemic stressors which will raise cortisol/fluid retention, I know you've recently deloaded which is why you're so sore, re-sensitising to full blown sessions HURTS lol.
DW about the gain, keep an eye on fluids, get efficient sleep and you'll be back to baseline in no time
o guys,
159.4lbs this morning which I was really shocked about, woke up SUPER watery, abs were not very visible which was weird. Not sure whats happened if im honest. Up 4lbs within 3 days isnt the plan. Several factors: 1. My sleep has been shockingly bad past 2 nights for some reason, so that could play a role! 2. My final meal used to be a PRO/FAT meal but recently has been a very high calorie PRO/CARB meal. 3. Could actually be new tissue;) 4. I’m SUPER achy, legs are fucked, chest and back after having that deload (should of eased my way into things) so inflammation is gunna be pretty high right now
Oh well, not gunna worry about it too much if im honest. Lower body session later, legs are still battered from last session, but we shall continue. Will post the workout later!
So legs was real hard today, my DOMs were terrible in my quads and my lower back pump was too much at some stages. But got on with it and did the best I could do. Tried implementing barbell back squats into things but legs and lower back werent having it so kept with the smith.
Lower + biceps B Smith Back Squat x 2 1 x 5 1×8 Leg press x 2 1×10 1×9 Walking Lunges x 2 (20 steps) Hyper-extensions x 1 1×20 (Had to stop my lower back was fucked) Standing calf raise x 3 1×15 1×13 1×10
Cable bicep curl x 3 1×14 1×12 1×9 Dumbbell preacher x 2 1×8 1×15 Hammer rope curl x 1 1×9
And don't feel bad buddy.
Everything happens for a reason and this will make you stronger
When does the deload end bud?
Are you gonna still implement low days on off days when back to normal intensities?
So, down to 155lbs after depleting glycogen. Went for the carb backloading approach where I had 5 PRO/FAT meals then before bed I had a PRO/CARB meal which was 90g of carbs.
Meal 1:
Salmon 111g
2 large eggs
P: 38 F:26 C:0
Meal 2:
Mackerel fillet 133g
Egg whites 1oog
P:39 F: 23 C:0
Meal 3:
Chicken 98g
Almond Butter 40g
P:40 F: 22 C:0
Meal 4:
Basa Fillet 111g
Almond butter 40g
P:34 F: 23 C:0
Meal 5:
3 large egg
120ml egg whites
P: 39 F:18 C;0
Meal 6
15og oats
30g whey
P: 43 F: 13 C: 91
P: 223 C:100 F: 125
had veg in each meal, carbs from veg I dont track.
cheers bud! Injury is still playing up. My trap has been so tight that its causing my delt to play up and also my tricep which is very frustrating. Done literally everything from massage, cricket ball work, ice and hot water bottle. Nothing seems to be working. So my last resort is to rest up till the weekend and see how it feels. Not sure how I will approach my nutrition within the next three days but I'll think of a plan. Just feel very sad about it alll hahah. Feeling very sorry for myself
Hey brother!!
- Awesome log - Concentrate on what matter with the uni work, you know that takes priority :)
I reckon the calorie bump is defo needed!! Get the CHO's up, keep fats at that 55-60 mark, that's a great set up.
How's your injuries atm?
I apologise for not keeping up-to-date with every, been super busy these past couple of days and a lot of uni work needs to be done which is super stressful.
154lbs this morning, dropped a little bit from yesterday which was surprising as I had a burger, sweet potato fries and a few beers. Went to the Chelsea Vs Norwich game, fuck me chelsea were awful.
Anyway, rest day today... increasing fats and decreasing carbs. As weight hasnt moved for a week now I may have to increase again up to 600g carbs which is crazy! Aiming for 160lbs, lets see how we look at that bodyweight.
Any questions feel free:)
Morning guys, we are holding 155lbs pretty nicely at the moment, strength seems to be good and recovery/energy is still pretty good so no need to change anything just yet.
Lower body session was a really hard yesterday, literally put my life into it which is the best approach to a leg session. Volume was super low due to the amount of frequency i'm doing but really challenging!
Lower + Bicep A:
Smith Machine back squat x 2 1x4 1x7
Leg Press x 2 1x10 1x12
barbell lunge x 2 1x15 1x12
Seated Leg curl x 2 1x9 1x11
Hyper-extensions x 2 1x12 1x18
Standing Calf Raise x 2 1x15 1x12
Standing Dumbbell curl x 2 1x7 1x13
Preacher curl x 2 1x15 1x 20
Challenging session but progress with everything I did, so super happy
So its my rest day today.. fucking hate having to take them but they will benefit in the long run I promise. Body weight is up to 155lbs this morning which is good. Feeling good, looking good and training has been good all week so very happy with the progress made so far! Food is still the same but on my rest days I will be carb backloading, see how we go with this approach.
Pull A:
Deadlifts x 2 5 & 8
Pull ups x 2 7 & 11
Underhand Row x 2 10 & 13
Single Arm Row machine x 2
Rope Pulldowns x 1 - FAILURE (focus on contraction)
Reverse cable flies x 2
Reverse fly machine x 2
Barbell Shrugs x 3
EPIC session, took me 2 hours to do which is pretty long but usual time for me. Resting up today ready for tomorrow!