hey guys just thought id put a little journal out there in which i can keep on top of things and monitor my training progression as i head towards next years goals.
Thus far been a productive week. ive hit chest, back and shoulders. legs tomoro.
ill post up as many sessions as i can along wit progress pics and videos along the way.
Bank Hol Monday Chest
- Flat bench 60/80/100 warm up 120 /130/140 x 6/6/3 105 x 10 110x 10 (back off sets)
- Dumbbell press 30 x 10 50x10/10/8 drop 30 x 10
- Dips BW challenge max reps 1 set = 27 reps
- Db flys 30x12 35 x 10 40 x 8 drop 27.5 x 8 17.5 x 8
- Cable flys 4 x 15 double drop last set
- 6 mins HIT ball to the wall stairmaster 130cals
Back and Biceps
Ez bar straight arm pulldowns 4 x 15 warm up
Hex bar deadlifts 5 x 6 max weight top set 2x 10-12 back off sets 140kg
One arm db rows 4 sets 10 reps work to top end set 40/50/60/70kg
One arm low 3 x 10 build to max weight 80kg per side
Pendlay rows 3 x 12 90kg
One arm rope rev rear felt 20/15/12/10
Heavy dumbbell hammers 1 warm up 2 heavy working 35kg each arm
Ez bar cables curls 3 sets inc kg each set
6 mins hit stairmaster
Hammer strength press 20/15/12/10/10/6 increase weigh each set
Rack clean and press 60kg 5 x 5
Standing dumbbell press 25kg 8/8/6
Seated rear db laterals 17.5kg superset db side laterals 10kg 3 x 15/15
Rope face pull / one arm rev cable fly / banded rears 3 sets 15 reps each
Cybex dip machine superset cable pushdowns 3 x 15/15
10 mins bike cardio
3 x 20/20/20 abs circuit
Love the thread of the last two posts ahahaha