So... I've posted a bit on here when I can, but I thought it would probably be worth while starting a log to share my current approach, previous learnings, thoughts and also look for a little encouragement when needed.
I've been bodybuilding for a number of years now, perhaps 8-9. I'm 31 and starting to feel it. I know this forum has a number of juniors on it so perhaps I can pass on some wisdom from my twenties, who knows!
I've worked with a number of coaches over the years from Chris Tuttle, Jordan Peters, Patrick Tuor and more recently, Tyler Cooke. I can take something different from each of those coaches, the good and the bad. The one thing that stands out though? Coach-ability! If you aren't coach-able, it doesn't matter how good or how expensive the coach is... the results won't be maximal. I say this from experience, as I know I am not as coach-able as I should be.
That's primarily why I decided to take a short period coaching myself and creating an improved mentality. My intention is to work with AJ (if he takes me lol). Why AJ? Mentality. Commitment. Drive. My weakest areas in bodybuilding.
Other aspects of life, these factors aren't an issue. I'm relatively successful in terms of career; I ran and sold a business in my earlier years, spent some time in industry and now run a software business. I think there's alot of crossover between personal life, career and bodybuilding, especially in terms of discipline.
I bodybuild because I love the challenge. Nothing in life challenges me as consistently as this does... and believe me... I've had my fair share! I suffer from Crohn's Disease which is a real bum rap when it comes to bodybuilding. Not so bad when dieting, but a pain the arse (pun entirely intended) in the off-season.
Any way, personal rhetoric aside, here is where I am at for the start of this log;
Age - 31
Height - 5ft/7 (168cm)
Weight - 167.6 (little flat)
Pictures (next post)
Current training split;
Monday - off
Tuesday - Chest and Biceps
Wendesday - Hamstrings and Calves
Thursday - Shoulders and Triceps
Friday - Off
Saturday - Back
Sunday - Quads and Calves
Abs thrown in 2-3 times per week.
I train at home and have a fairly substantial home gym. I will post some images at some point, but its fully kitted out; precor leg press, primal smith, primal hack / v squat, plamax leg extension / seated ham curl combo, dual cable machine, life fitness seated row / pulldown machine, seated calve raise, dumbbells up to 60kg, plenty of bars etc, Stairmaster Stepmill, Treadmill and Spinbike. Some other bits not currently in use too.
I've just completed 6 weeks of dieting and am currently reversing out, looking to add a touch more lean tissue whilst maintaining relative condition so I can be closer to stage weight. The aim is to compete again this year, having taken a small break due to health issues (Crohn's).
Current diet;
Training Days - 2600~ calories, 280p 250c 50f
Rest Days - 1650 calories - 250p, 50c, 50f
NB* - This is the diet as of the last week of dieting. I have not changed my training day diet throughout the diet phase, but I have consistently lowered the rest day calories and increased cardio on that day.
My calories prior to this were around 4250 on training days (325p, 600c, 60f) and 2900 on rest days (300p, 150c, 120f).
Current cardio split is;
Training days - 90 minutes, split 45 mins AM / PM
Rest Days - 1 hour PM
The goals was to get as lean as quickly as possible. I came down from 181lbs to my current weight over this period. All lifts maintained, last week felt pretty fatigued but that is expected. Some of the weight loss was water, perhaps 3-4lbs. I do not believe I have lost any tissue.
Final point to add - I am 'assisted'. For the purpose of this log I will not touch too much on this. I do not feel the audience warrants it. What I will say is, drugs do not make the physique. If the diet, training and rest are not there, the drugs really won't do much. For context, I have used 500mg total during this diet phase. This log will focus on what is important.