So before we really get into any of the structuring of my initial offseason, i suppose for those reading this will want to know some background info about my self. Rejoined the bodybuilding scene in 2019 properly with BIG boss man morris in January. Before that i was a comptiivie powerlifter in the 83KG devision, which i had a fair amount of succession. However injury prevented me in perusing the sport any further and i just lost all heart. Then a fire for bodybuilding sparked again as it wasn't the end of my lifting career. Now here we are. Team MBM. Northerner, 23 years old. 5ft 7 if anyones wondering.
Current BW - 210lbs
Current Macro lay out
TD- 3840 Kcals 325P/500C/60F
NTD- 3400 Kcal 325P/300C/100F
Training split- in short term
L/P/P Repeat.
2 rotations.
One Day more systemic than the other for recovery purposes.
I recover well but not invincable
This is very much just to get things started with logging my progressions within my offseason and giving you guys as much insight as i can into my daily life. It was suggested in one of my check ins that i should start a thread because people were following me, were asking me questions, I was genuinely inspiring people with the work ethic and intensity i was producing within the gym, the progression i was making as a natural bodybuilder within the short period of time that i have been with AJ was raising questions, people were intrigued. The main goal i have set myself next year. PRO card. Aiming high with this one. AJ says this could be achievable for me. If i put in the work. Thats being said lets work
Any questions or Ideas. Fire away. Looking forward to updating this on the regular.
Callum AKA Mr illusive. ( AJ will get this )
Instagram- callumgoddard.
Weekly Update; Little rocky
BW update around 207-210 fluctuating constantly due to my mind not quite being there at the moment. Diet been just enough hang on to reasonable body composition, fullness and just about mustering enough each day to push through sessions.
Due to a tension at the gym that i helped become what is it today i have been forced ( not directly to leave ) due to a direct few and group that is no where near local. This is kinda upsetting in all honesty as it was a home to me, however this move back to my old commercial gym seems to be the right move for me. Ill be left alone, my anxiety and stress will decrease hopefully bringing a few more positives back.
The main reason for the move is to reset and refocus on the bigger picture, which is becoming the biggest and best version of myself and preparing for 2020, why deal with the drama and the uneasy feeling in the area when i can directly remove myself from the situation. Body updates will be kept very under wraps for the time being until I'm around 212-215 as I'm unhappy to present it on here. You may have seem glimpses on AJ story but I'm no where near satisfied or happy with the way I'm currently looking.
Sessions as a whole have been okay, most numbers within the gym maintained/retained and some PBs have been made biggest of them all being a 225 deadlift x 5 with 3 second eccentrics. Looking forward to turning over a new leaf, back at my old stomping ground and showing everyone what kind of bodybuilder i can be, because even I at the moment don't know what i am capable of yet.
Hopefully the next time i check in I'm in a lot more positive mindset, my body compositions is different and I'm back to my old self. I will try and keep all of you as filled in as i can, Until then .....
Signing out
Callum Goddard ( Mr illusive )