Hey guys, this will be a log that I use to both discuss my prep through COVID in a garage gym (old school free weight DY style), it’s clash with complexities that come with work and a relationships and life in general. Ill attempt to go into as much detail as possible about what’s happened for the first 10 weeks so far and what is to come. detailed workouts will be posted too to both help others and hopefully get advice myself! Thanks for following along guys.
progress pics so far are attached (grey undies - about 20 weeks out; black undies - after 10 weeks of prep and another 12-14 weeks out pending rescheduling date)

So first things firs, the training details of prep so far…
I’d signed on with my first coach (Very well respected competitor and previous Olympian who is part owner of my gym) every for about a 6 month off season and actually enjoyed some fruitful gains under his dietary guidance. So I decided to stay with him for prep.
prep started fast and hard - food started at about 3.6k calories with an hour of stairs per day. I thought okay that’s a lot of cardio but whatever my body fat stores are at their highest so I should take advantage of this time to lose at the fastest rate possible.
lockdown Hits and I start training in my mates home gym (squat rack, barbell, plates, bands, adjustable dumbbells).
im still doing an hour of cardio per day… now on a bike that I’ve bought for home.
10 weeks later I’ve lost over 10kg (started at 82.3kg and hit a low of 69.5kg). my Weight at this point was starting to fluctuate, stalling and even coming up at times. My coach suggested that I wasn’t training hard enough and that The solution Was to continue to lower my calories abs increase cardio…
he had me doing 1hr 15mins cardio every day and eating 1850 calories at 10 weeks out AND my weight was either stalling or still going up (hitting a high of 71.5kg).
needless to say I felt like dog shit. performance was at an all time low, mood was at an all time low, sex drive was at an all time low, cognition was at all all time low, every time I stood I needed to hold on to something so that I wouldn’t fall back down. I know that prep isn’t supposed to feel good, but I also know that there is a right and a wrong way to suffer and this was the wrong way… something had to change.