Little bit of background and context about me. I first competed back in 2014 in Miami Pro after years of being in the gym but not really 'training'. Got a coach, made some progress and got on stage - came third and loved the buzz.
Had a few years off (life and all the twists it brings) but decided to compete again last year (2018) so got a coach again, made awesome progress and competed at PCA and UKBFF, getting to British Finals for UKBFF.
For the purposes of transparency - although I am a natural bodybuilder I was naïve in 2014 and took clenbuterol - this means I can't compete in natural feds as the moment, hence PCA and UKBFF. No excuses, I was stupid and thought I could gain an advantage. Irony is that it made absolutely no difference to me and I dieted better and harder naturally last year when working with Vicky (Mirceta) but we live and learn. Eventually I will compete in the relevant natural feds - and by then I'll be nearly 50 but age is just a number.
Been working with AJ for a month and I am absolutely loving it. I can already see a difference and he's working around my lower back issue like an absolute boss. Focus areas are delts, glutes and hamstrings so let's watch them grow!

Can't promise to update this log more than weekly as I work full-time in the finance industry, plus I run my own gen pop online coaching business/facebook page. I have a beautiful wife and two massive teenage boys so I'm pretty busy.