My name is Nibo, I'm a TeamMBM athlete from Puerto Rico since March 2019.
I'm currently 43 weeks deep in an off season to accrue muscle tissue, and compete in 2 or 3 years. I'm in no rush to do so, I know competitively this category requires certain level of muscle mass, and my goal is not to compete for the sake of it, but to deliver on bringing my best package.
The art of posing is something I'm truly passionate about, I enjoy losing myself and expressing my heart as a way to meditate. My inspiration comes from Muhammad Makkawy, Lee Labrada, Flex Wheeler, and Francis Benfatto.
If you're interested in watching me pose you can certainly watch my Instagram @niborosa
I will share a weekly update on myself, my training/nutrition, and thoughts along the way.
Hopefully you enjoy this journey :)

Week 48- Mini Diet Week 1
Hey guys, checking in again :)
Had a rather busy last two weeks, moving from places, and what not.
This week wraps up what has been a successful push up face, the first of many with the guide of AJ.
Starting Data:
TD- 350C 200P 55F
NTD- 250C 200P 70F
Final Data:
TD- 425C 200P 60F
NTD- 300C 200P 70F
Cardio: 25min on NTD (130-140bpm)
My strength levels have literally doubled on many exercises, my lower body was light years ahead of my upper, now we're bridging the gap. This will take some years I think, but I'm happy with the progress. I will post some pics back from February 2019 when I finally dared to apply to AJ (was so scared of being rejected).
I'm confident that on the next push up phase we will totally dwarf this version of myself. Now it's time to see the results of the work from the last 48 weeks, happy to see those. Will keep you posted. :)