My Starting weight was 208.56 Pounds (quite a lot over my previous stage weight).
Initial Macros were set as follows -
Training Days - C: 275 | P: 250 : F: 55
Non Training Days - C: 250 : P: 250 : F 55.
Although, for the first 3 weeks - I had miscalulated my food plan and was eating an extra egg per day - and was soon rectified. It is famously known as the 3 egg = 3 Glutelines formula.
My cardio is set at 20 Minutes MISS, Post Workout - which I do on a stationary bike.
My Step Target is set at 15,000 Per Day.
I'm following a Pull A, Push A, Legs A (Off) Pull B, Push B, Legs B (Off) Rotation.
My Scale weight Rate of loss has been a little slow, but consistent - (Averages as follows);
Week 1 - 206.64
Week 2 - 203.87
Week 3 - 203.25
Week 4 - 202.91
Week 5 - 201.24 (Deload + Caffiene Removal).
Week 6 - 199.11
Week 7 - 197.17
Week 8 - 196.35
No changes have been made to nutrition or cardio, as progress is consistent.
In terms of nutritional set up, I've only made one change to Meal 1 on Training Day to have a higher fat meal an reserve carbs for later in the day. I have also changed Whey protein to an Isolate.
My food choices are consistent and adherance is good. I have had one day where I deviated and ended up making poor food choices and far exceeded my macro allowance. Lesson Learnt.
Post my deload, I'm still a Non-Stim Simon - I feel much better mentally without caffiene.
Things are starting to take shape at this weight, and we continue.
Week 1 - 8 Summary (35 Weeks Out - 27 Weeks Out)
My Starting weight was 208.56 Pounds (quite a lot over my previous stage weight).
Initial Macros were set as follows -
Training Days - C: 275 | P: 250 : F: 55
Non Training Days - C: 250 : P: 250 : F 55.
Although, for the first 3 weeks - I had miscalulated my food plan and was eating an extra egg per day - and was soon rectified. It is famously known as the 3 egg = 3 Glutelines formula.
My cardio is set at 20 Minutes MISS, Post Workout - which I do on a stationary bike.
My Step Target is set at 15,000 Per Day.
I'm following a Pull A, Push A, Legs A (Off) Pull B, Push B, Legs B (Off) Rotation.
My Scale weight Rate of loss has been a little slow, but consistent - (Averages as follows);
Week 1 - 206.64
Week 2 - 203.87
Week 3 - 203.25
Week 4 - 202.91
Week 5 - 201.24 (Deload + Caffiene Removal).
Week 6 - 199.11
Week 7 - 197.17
Week 8 - 196.35
No changes have been made to nutrition or cardio, as progress is consistent.
In terms of nutritional set up, I've only made one change to Meal 1 on Training Day to have a higher fat meal an reserve carbs for later in the day. I have also changed Whey protein to an Isolate.
My food choices are consistent and adherance is good. I have had one day where I deviated and ended up making poor food choices and far exceeded my macro allowance. Lesson Learnt.
Post my deload, I'm still a Non-Stim Simon - I feel much better mentally without caffiene.
Things are starting to take shape at this weight, and we continue.